P-13.1 - Police Act

Full text
354.1. For the purposes of the provisions of this Act that confer a role on the director of a police force or on the competent authority in respect of a special constable, the role is conferred on
(1)  the Minister, if the police officer involved is the Director General of the Sûreté du Québec or the director of a specialized police force;
(2)  the director general of the municipality, if the police officer involved is the director of a municipal police force; or
(3)  the employer
(a)  if the police officer involved is the director of any other police force; or
(b)  if the special constable involved acts as the competent authority in respect of special constables under the first paragraph of section 107.
For the purposes of Chapter I of Title IV, if the complaint is lodged against a highway controller or a person having authority over a highway controller, the role conferred on the director of a police force is conferred on the employer.
2023, c. 20, s. 100.